(March 19/17) “Come As You Are…You Can’t Help But Be Beautiful”

Hi, Wonderfuls,

Just now, Marie and I were exchanging comments; and when I thanked her for taking the time to read/re-read…and re-read my posts (in order to wrap her head around my messages) she wrote….

“No trouble at all, Truly. I just wish that the real world would emulate the blogging world in the respect that we try to understand each other better.  Sometimes the “gift” is wrapped so well you need to take the time to remove the layers to truly(!) appreciate what others give. <3”

What a beautiful perspective…how generous.  This is evidence of a true desire for connection–this willingness to meet people where they are.  And, it is in that spirit that I share what follows.

(But, first, here’s where to find Marie…she is amazing!)


So, I love creative writing/writing creatively–it’s my equivalent of painting, or figure skating, or belting a power ballad, or rocking a dance tune, or dancing like a star…none of which I have the talent for 🙂  It’s my way of contributing to what we bring to this (blogging) world of ours.

And, it’s also a way for me to entice myself to work on/through things that come to my attention–whether welcome or not.  The creativity part means I can set two birds free with one action (I don’t like the expression, “kill two birds with one stone”)…I can grow while having fun doing it.

But, I get Marie’s point when she says she also really appreciates my straightforward messages…those that allow for the mind to skip along at it’s own pace,–without the need for second guessing, diving in deeper, and straining to understand abstractions and riddles.

Sometimes I think about posting something uncomplicated, but I think to myself–“What if everyone likes this type of post better?  I’m sick of writing in straight forward ways: I do so much of that for work (writing notes about clients, and corresponding with other professionals etc.).  Writing (straight up) about my experiences will lose its adventurous appeal…the joy’ll be sucked out of it…there’s no adventure in writing in the same old boring way.”

“But”, I ask myself, “why, then, would you worry that readers would like that type of communication better?  It must have value given that those kind of posts get more views than your creative ones (which is what makes you think people like them better).”

Right, the old paradoxical conundrum comes into play…

So, I guess it’s a matter of control, and of being stubborn…and, insecure…and, selfish to an extent.

I know that there are people who enjoy my usual posts–that they find them deep, clever, amusing, and nostalgia-inducing.  So, it’s easy to tell myself that I’m giving freely.  However, if it’s always on my own terms, can I really profess that my goal is to show-up and be real?  If I always show up “dressed to the nines”, it doesn’t allow for me to attend a casual get-together.

Which, if you’ll bear with me, is best illustrated by an anecdote.

You may remember I told you I’m such a people person, but need a good deal of alone/down time to recoup from connecting.  Well,  in the early months, my colleagues would include me in after work–or weekend–invitations; and (having become more comfortable) I risked sharing that I’m an introvert who–in the light of day–engages in ways that scream extrovert.

And, it’s not pretense.  I’m a lover of people and am often told I have a gift for making people feel great (happy, accepted, understood)…engaging is my thing! 🙂  But, by the time I get home, I’m all about letting it all go in service of giving my mind, heart, and soul a break…it might be a bit different if I weren’t a full-time mental health clinician/social worker–but, not entirely.

I know for sure that I wouldn’t be so tired–and that I’d stay up past 8:00pm, without stressing about how little cumulative sleep I would get.

Anyway, to my point…

A couple weeks ago, one of my colleagues/friend invited our work-team to her house…and, she added that we could all show up in pajamas, track pants, hoodies, yoga pants and tee-shirts…whatever struck our fancy.  The point was, there were no expectations…no requirement to have your “game face” on….drink, don’t drink…eat, don’t eat….sleep over or not….stay, go…no pressure.

Well, it really said something that everyone lit up and marveled when I said I was coming; and I pointed out that E. had me at pajamas and no pressure! 🙂  It also helped that she lives five minutes from my house…and that all of us were feeling the draining effects of busy/intense workdays and winter’s grey chill.  Being in the same boat can be sooooo comforting.

So, I went and I really did enjoy the experience of just relaxing with others who needed a communal non-get-together kinda Friday night.  I left after three hours, but wasn’t the first to leave…and, I didn’t feel awkward doing it.  I can’t say I am chomping at the bit to do it again any time soon (say, within the next couple months) but, that’s the truth of my need to recharge.  Alone time/down time is so precious and needed if I am to nurture my self.  I don’t know how people with kids do it all!!!  That is a real gift!

Anyway, my point is this…

I will make a point of writing in the way that Marie spoke to…while she enjoys both styles, she requested that some of my sharing look like this….and, you know what?  I thank her so much for asking (and in such a sweet way 🙂 ).  She was asking me to–if you’ll pardon the metaphor–invite her over for a come-as-you-are-and-relax connection.

And, you know what else?  It just occurred that I don’t mind if this post is more popular than my creative ones…it’s all me, it’s all real, and it’s all in the interest of connecting with you…so, the choice is yours, and I will always be grateful that you stopped by.

Speaking of choice, here’s yesterday’s regular (creative) post:


God bless you and your loves. 🙂

Affectionately, Truly

P.S. To my friend, D., I really miss seeing you every day…I love you and am so grateful we are friends.  And, in the event that nurse Y. reads this, I love you, as well…you are such an inspiration and blessing–and I am still blown away that (unbeknownst to me) you found your way to my blog and took the time to let me know…and shared how much you enjoy my posts 🙂

P.P.S. I write posts like this in a fraction of the time my creative ones take… 🙂

36 thoughts on “(March 19/17) “Come As You Are…You Can’t Help But Be Beautiful”

  1. WOW!!!!!!!!!!! What an amazing post! I LOVE IT!!! Seriously Truly, I love this post on so many levels:
    Level 1 – I was the inspiration
    Level2 – You my dear are one helluva writer
    Level3 – I didn’t need to keep reading and re-reading (but I’m lazy like that lol) (Give me easy over hard anytime!)
    Level 4 – the content was just brilliant: sharing, explaining, revealing a ‘deeper and more meaningful’ character – not to say that you are not already!
    Level 5 – your versatility!
    Level 6 – being so accommodating and respectful of my lone voice – so sweet!
    Level 7 – I’m going to stop here, because I realise I need the rest of the day to write all the other levels and I don’t want to be the ‘bore’ at the party.
    Thank you Neal for ‘spinach’. Thank you Truly for listening to Neal. Thank me for my audacity! And most of all Thank you for being ‘Truly’. 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

      1. Just in case you didn’t get the pun in my last message and at the risk of explaining it and killing it, I used Smokey Robinson’s ‘If you feel like lovin’ me’:
        Oh, but if you feel like lovin’ me
        If you got the notion
        I second that emotion

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I love that song….I referenced Smokey in one of my posts…can’t remember which one…it might have been “Tears Of A Clown”…and you know I love me some puns, soul sister 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. It turns out that I read his a while back…but, I am grateful that I read it again, today….different head-space meant it hit me differently….equally profound, but, today, sooooooo soothing 🙂 Thanks for sharing 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a wonderful dedication to both a friend and to a dose of take the makeup off and here I am. Writing fictional or styled posts is quite demanding and has a certain pressure come pride connotation that issues it’s own prescription saying time necessary, is it up to the usual standard, pressure….eek…mental exhaustion and overload. I think mixing posts up is a good thing. In these we see Truly the person (well the one I know from our messages at least). I think if the mood to style in your usual manner is there then go for it, if it’s not then these are equally entertaining and informative. We all have pressures of one form or another and after a long day relaxing is the best way to recharge and not stress about the uber post that will take days to do. My blog has suffered from a similar experience recently. Writing proper needs sorting and dropping post rate has allowed catch up and reduced stress. Kudos my friend to this post and how you have expressed yourself 😊

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I simply adore you….your heart is so huge….your capacity for compassion is so vast….I am so blessed to have a friend in you! By the by, I posted my usual type post yesterday….today’s was spontaneous…but, it has been 3 weeks since I posted anything….my next joy will be reading your offering….dessert 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. What?? I missed another post?? This is no good at all!! I must pay attention to thungs outside the writing!!! Although I’ve engaged in a blogging group on Facebook too and that’s been very worthwhile. Some excellent prople there too. I’ll check out your other post today 😊

        As for posting rate, I’m in a similar boat. Trick is not to let it play on your mind. I’m certain most good bloggers know that now and then people have a time out to recharge or sort life things out. And…you got my email then 😱

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ooh, didn’t see an email! That’s got me wondering if I’m missing out on them again 🤔 And yes, saw FB before school run and you are Truly awesome 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      3. My bad is also a wonder stuff quality too….although if it is the FB message, I am much relieved….for a moment I was contemplating not receiving submission emails if yours had not come through 😱

        Liked by 1 person

      4. My inate strategy for nerves is to blank it all out. The trip up comes if I think have I inadvertantly deleted it amidst the hundred or so emails that arrive each day. Or, have they even received it? Obviousky blanking it out leads to aimless days and anxiety at not doing more!! However, knowing it was a FB message has appeased one of the traumas 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Well said! I can see that your ‘creative’ writing takes a lot of effort both to write and to read. But it’s good that you
    a. can listen to others
    b. be yourself and let it all hang out
    c. are versatile, adaptive
    d. totally understand the ‘me’ time with such a high pressured job!
    e. that your colleagues are getting to know the ‘real’ you also.
    No f as you exceed our expectations, so no fails here.
    Now I don’t know this Marie so I’m off to see.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I am not sure that these are more popular… I think many of us love your other ones so much that it is fun to read more about the person behind the words. You truly are gifted and have a soul of an angel… I and probably many/most here are better off for having crossed your path… at minimum much happier. Last week was a humbling week for me and to end it with the wonderful comments you left lifted my spirits back up… (probably wont last after Monday… but I felt joy today and that is something).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I don’t need proof that God loves me, but I sure appreciate that He blesses me with surprises that encourage me so much….you, Adam are one such surprise! Thank you from the bottom of my heart….you are such a source of joy, and to think I’ve provided you with some is humbling….you are, hands down, one of my favorite people and I admire you so much….and, I’m so happy to know you’ve been blessed with a fantastic family….increasingly awesome things are ahead and it will be great to share/celebrate with each other 🙂 Thanks for being a true friend 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I so enjoyed reading this post. And I enjoy all your posts, no matter what form of writing you choose. Because your opinions matter, your story matters, your thoughts matter – no matter how you shape them. And thank you for putting so much effort into sharing – that shows how much writing matters to you. Keep writing. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Reblogged this on ComeFlywithme and commented:
    WOW!!!!!!!!!!! What an amazing post! I LOVE IT!!! Seriously Truly, I love this post on so many levels:
    Level 1 – I was the inspiration
    Level2 – You my dear are one helluva writer
    Level3 – I didn’t need to keep reading and re-reading (but I’m lazy like that lol) (Give me easy over hard anytime!)
    Level 4 – the content was just brilliant: sharing, explaining, revealing a ‘deeper and more meaningful’ character – not to say that you are not already!
    Level 5 – your versatility!
    Level 6 – being so accommodating and respectful of my lone voice – so sweet!
    Level 7 – I’m going to stop here, because I realise I need the rest of the day to write all the other levels and I don’t want to be the ‘bore’ at the party.
    Thank you Neal for ‘spinach’. Thank you Truly for listening to Neal. Thank me for my audacity! And most of all Thank you for being ‘Truly’.


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