Here’s a bite-sizer (a random tidbit)…

I’m not sure if it is a good sign, or a weakened mental-state…but, the “smallest kindness” (is there such a thing?) sets me to brief-bouts-of-bawling, lately (but, only at home, or in the car). Β I choose to believe it’s because (somewhere I can’t quite reach), I sense that a major, and wonderful, shift is on the horizon…’cause it doesn’t feel like a mental-unhinging in the offing…more like a nostalgic release…like, soon, things will never be the same πŸ™‚

The latest thing to set me off is Justin (my husband) bringing Jubilee (our Shih Tzu) home from the new dog groomer he stumbled on…Jubilee really hasn’t enjoyed going since she was nicked years ago…anyway, Justin was allowed to stay with her the whole time (much appreciated), and the groomer sent her home with a “report card” (first time in Jubie’s 11 years); and it reflected such caring and sweetness that I silently bawled. Justin, bless his heart, has become used to such confounding reactions…and pretended he didn’t see, and walked away. Β A little while after that, I told him that I knew that he’d seen me, and we laughed and laughed! πŸ™‚

Perhaps this disclosure will serve as the inspiration for my regular (weekly) post…time will tell πŸ™‚

Take Care and God bless you πŸ™‚


44 thoughts on “Here’s a bite-sizer (a random tidbit)…

    1. Thank you so much…generous souls like you encourage me to follow my instincts…I shared this on an impulse…thank you for your kindness…it is so relieving to be encouraged to be me…over-sharing and all πŸ™‚

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    1. I adore you for sharing that…thank you…I shared it in an impulsive moment of spontaneity…enthusiasm tends to propel me to over-share…and, in the moment, it feels like to do anything less would be a missed opportunity πŸ™‚

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    1. Now you’ve done it….I am bawling again…this is getting tiring…but, what a way to go πŸ™‚ Thank you for your generosity of spirit…you’ve just helped me decide on my next post topic…thank you so much…I will be sure to mention you in it…and the other people who have commented on this impulsive post πŸ™‚

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  1. Random acts of kindness tend to set me off too, it’s lovely to see more of the person behind the blog, share your stuff and keep doing your thing. I can’t wait to hear about your shift, when you get to see over the horizon x

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  2. Good lord…mad and sensitive. Brilliant ! It may come as a total surprise but I so get this nostalgic release thing. You’ve seen the results of that in my latest post too. Very hard to explain in words methinks. I get the same when visiting places steeped in history too; ruins, castles, derelict thingamies, or night fishing…watching the sun fade and rose again over misted lakes…people don’t get that usually…is so bit about the fishing….not that thus has anything whatsoever to do with your pet grooming service…except Morgan Freeman as God in Evan Almighty…ARK…the acronym for an Act of Random Kindness.

    Those are the ones that really get you…unexpected, not asked for and out of the blue. Says ‘you know what, some people are just plain nice.’ Which is contrary to what the TV tends to say.

    It’s why I rather like blog land. Rich, diverse, borders without boundaries and no prejudice. Good people, hopefully good new friends…well new friends that are good. Friends I gathered thus far are not hopefully good at all…they are… Got to be careful with words I find…wrong order and poof…context changes.

    Thank you for sharing and I hope this nostalgic revelry leads to more such posts 😊

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    1. I would be privileged to call you my new friend…I know you are good, that part goes without saying….it gratifies me more than you might know to hear that you can relate to my “nostalgic release thing”….and, I so got that sense when I read your latest post….that is what made it resonate with me so much….you have an astoundingly beautiful way of tapping into the heart of nostalgia….it was so relatable in a magical way given that the context, though unfamiliar until you revealed it, felt like nostalgic deja vu (if you get my meaning). And, thank you for the encouragement. πŸ™‚

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      1. Privileged you say? Unlucky says, I not least because I ramble inanely. Although that might be a comfort zone thing because you are mad enough to tune in and go with the flow. Which is my way of saying the privilege is all mine…new friend 😁

        Tapping in is a good way of putting it. Some things I write flow easily. I enter what I think of as the mind palace (famed in the newer Sherlock Holmes films but drawn from a much older concept) in there is a form of zone out like living the experience. Words just fall onto the page from there. The nostalgia thing is part of that too. Reliving the past even if it’s not your past but empathising with it, feeling it and breathing it. Somehow I think you will totally get that and not think weirdo πŸ€”

        nostalgic deja vu…excellent phrase indeed 😊

        Keep it up !!

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      2. Your authenticity makes you “easy to get”….I’m a people person who is especially drawn to people who keep it real…go glad to be in the ‘comfort zone’ where I can easily find you πŸ™‚

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  3. Oooh, ran out of replies to replies again !! My authenticity…I do believe that is the polite way to call me equally mad on the basis I understand you and you seem to understand me…which is rather cool indeed. It’s not called a comfort zone for no good reason πŸ€”

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    1. Authenticity is what we should all aspire to…the courage and room and comfort to be ourselves without the veneer/masks that preclude/and/or erode honest connections. I so appreciate that you are the type of person, authentic, who is “mad” enough to believe that less-than-perfect is the best…better than false “perfection”….so, just know, your writing doesn’t have to be ideally edited in order for the brilliance of your talent to come through loud and clear..just like my ‘ramblings’ have a beauty by virtue of their unconventionality. The fact that you draw parallels between me and Alice In Wonderland ‘madness’ elevates my writings to a level that is so unbelievably flattering. So, please know that I hold you in the highest esteem and would never use polite euphemisms to take the edge off back-handed compliments….you are so kind and warm and generous of spirit…thank you for being my friend πŸ™‚

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      1. You know that’s quite inspiring…politicians should read that….authenticity not veneer masks of delusion…

        Rather glad you said that too…I hate editing and I like less the rules of grammar and conventions of do this do that. Standards are OK except when they are not or differ between countries in which case they are not standards at all. Soap box…must climb off…. It is what it is….and breathe….

        ARK remember except I actually think random is wrong….being kind costs nothing and being free it should not be random but all the time…with a hint of inventive thrown in so people don’t become too used to it..

        It us quite possible I might use up all the reply slots on this one too 😁

        But thank you dearly for your kind words…they draw a smile from the miasma of self doubt and abyssal desparandum that haunts the writing abilities….I might have to post some more excerpts from my book now to test your thoughts further 😊

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      2. Please do post some more excerpts…and then we can use up all of the reply boxes there πŸ™‚ Because you hate editing, it is important that you don’t until you have said all the you want to–and only when you are submitting the final draft of a work to be published (and, I imagine that’s what editors are for)…agonizing over editing before you share it with me makes as much sense wearing a tuxedo to a picnic or a playground…or, for fishing. So unnecessary! And, tedious….and creativity-stifling. That is like a singer focusing on technique, rather than the soulfulness of it all…seeking to impress and compete, rather than communicating from the heart and in an organic way. When that happens, the appeal is lost. You are gifted and talented in a way that a comma or some other punctuation cannot interfere with. You are so easy to follow…you sweep the reader up in the wonderful momentum of your beautiful story telling…magic πŸ™‚

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      3. That is entirely motivating talk Truly. Very generous and heart warming of you in these desparate hours left before I must immerse into the pages and have at it. If I am honest it’s the out of genre book I’m working on. Written from a woman’s perspective and cruising through depression..single mid thirties, two children after an abusive marriage and something else that despite my genre comment ties her into my other books too. Have you looked at the extracts under the category Assent? Parts of it are in there. I must also admit I struggle to edit because I don’t find much to take out…in essence apart from polishing and culling adverbs it stays almost the same πŸ€” My real stuff is next in line…but I have to finish Rose and decide what to do with her in terms of publishing…oh and book covers…writing yes…arty…no πŸ€•

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      4. Hi, Gary…oops, by editing, I was referring to typos or punctuation…the stuff that we all miss when we write (I’ve read one of my posts several times only to finally noticed a misspelling or something….I didn’t mean cutting parts out…your writing doesn’t ever need one word less, from what I’ve read :). Also, I think I might have read something revolving around a female character, soon after I discovered you–but, I don’t think we had become friends yet…but, something tells me that you appreciated my comments because, coming from a woman, it validated your ability to write using a “woman’s voice”. And, if you don’t see a comment from me, then I must be thinking of one other writer, who, now that I think about it, I haven’t seen hide nor hair of for weeks…
        Anyway, you can be sure that I will read the extract from Assent (if not later this evening, tomorrow after work). It will be my absolute pleasure. Isn’t this great…the ease with which we can ‘put ourselves out there’ with each other…sensitive–not completely-sure-of-ourselves- writers who can unfailing count on each other’s support. Thank you for that….it means a lot. “See” you soon πŸ™‚

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      5. I go by Stephen Kings formula…second draft = first draft – 20%. Ever read his book On Writing? It’s quite an insight into how he does things and got started. That’s right you did comment on one yes. But do try the others….obviously the real hard bits are in the first half of the book where we see her drift, revisit her past, have a fling with another lost soul… That’s the part of the book I’m most unsure about. Second half is much better IMO. Also have a peak I. Ripples in Time…part of Rose outside this book appears in the piece Half a Twin. Her affair is with the chap in that…Dave… But down the timeline from that piece…which lies inside my opus magna. It feels like I’ve know you years !!! Right…time is moving on here so ‘speaks’ tomorrow πŸ™ƒ

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      6. I remember reading Half A Twin….I commented that it puts me in mind of Dean Koontz πŸ™‚ I will find/read the other suggested excerpts though…”see” you tomorrow at the latest πŸ™‚ Take care…. πŸ™‚

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      7. Yes you did 😊 Now if you go back you might start seeing the connections. All my stuff is inter-related … Rightly or wrongly…but once you read one book then the idea was to make readers feel everything is integrated…in one way or another… I kind of hope it works that way πŸ€”


  4. It’s heart warming to see that there’s still true and innocent kindess left in this world. Fortunately it also spreads easily when there are people who can notice and appreciate. Thank you so much, you’re inspiration 😊

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  5. I concur with your feeling that a shift is on the horizon…I’ve heard the same from many random Believers, so I’m looking for the seasons to change…looking…and looking. πŸ™‚
    Good news about your hubby & the furbabies’ good report!
    God is good.

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  6. This is so beautiful! And I completely agree, it is the smallest gestures that can really make your heart just beam. It’s the things that didn’t have to happen but only happened because their purpose was to share tenderness and kidneys with you. Such beautiful things. So glad you were able to take a moment too and really enjoy it. Always love reading your writings!

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  7. I’m at the point in my life where I cry more at people’s kindness than at their cruelty. It can be a little awkward at times, but kind people get it. And kind people hug you after they make you cry. Cruel people just continue being assholes and stand there and enjoy your tears. And I won’t give them that satisfaction. Tears can be rewards to the right people out there.

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    1. It’s so hard being vulnerable, isn’t it, Dharma…and, humiliating in the wrong company…when I was worried that I Cindy Lou post would, not only leave people disappointed, but also scratching their heads, I had such a surge of panic…it is really, really difficult when you put part of yourself “out there” and then feel misunderstood….I felt like you did when you were a star at work, but then, “fell from grace”….especially since my post, prior to Cindy Lou Who was so well received…but, your response, the fact that you got it made me feel a billion times better…you have no idea….thank you πŸ™‚

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  8. Oh, Truly, our Shih-Tzu. Gizmo, will be 10 on May 13th. He also hates going to the groomers. I finally started doing it myself. It’s not as pretty, but he’s still my baby and looks pretty darn cute when I’m done. I’m a bawler too. I just started crying tonight when I was describing the post I was writing to my daughter. I had just written a snippet that included her in it and, well, I was all befuddled. Love and hugs!

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    1. Gizmo…how adorable…I have a little stuffed Gizmo sitting on top of one of the dressers in my bedroom…Justin bought it for me a couple years ago because he know that “Gremlins” is one of my favourite movies to watch at Christmas time. As for posts and tears, I totally get it. There’s something about capturing a connection in words–and sharing it–that tugs on the heartstrings…..thanks for sharing your beautiful heart…you are amazing πŸ™‚

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