(October 29/17) “This Girl Is On Fryer”

Context: I felt quite overloaded at times this work-week, but quickly realized I was carrying others’ (and, I’m not referring to clients) emotional baggage…so…

Am I glad to see you, Wonderfuls…I’ve been sitting here mulling some things over; and perhaps you can relate.

Having said that, with Halloween just around the coroner—this tricky treat has (lowered/sinister) shades of a cautionary tale about the perils of shortcuts best not taken…

So, “Welcome To The Hotel Cali-Warn-Ya”.

(*And, I’m hoping you won’t resort to checking out if you don’t get my wordplay right away…I’ll fill you in at the end. 🙂 *)

Here we gho(st)…

Do you ever have those days when you think you’ve pushed your luck too far?

Well, upon arriving home from work, I realized the wind hadn’t blown my leaves away…and, I wasn’t impressed (blown away) either!

However, seeing that my neighbors to either side seem to be as (*ahem*) relaxed about raking as I am,

I’ve deflected personal responsibility by wondering why it’s only my grass that’s litterally stuck with double the,

“Look-at-me!  Look-at-me!”, negative-attention-seekers.

It’s as though, having felt the wind tugging at its leaves’ sleeves,

the foliage shrugged off its coat and lazily let it fall to my,

Vell-there-crows the neighborhood!”, lawn.

(*That last bit is a nod to Dracula’s accent and Edgar Allen Poe’s grimness.*)


while I’m tempted to shake a brisk fist at the wind,

I don’t want to get on its bad side,

so, I’m giving that big Blast-turd a (passive-aggressive) pass, and leafing it at that…

(*If you’ll indulge me, Terrifics…let’s take a time-pout for an apology for the preceding vulgarity and  lack of forthwritefulness.  You see, hopped up on Timbits, my sense of humor isn’t always in league with my sweetness-and-light heart…so, I’m absolving myself by resorting to a Flip (my lid) Wilson defence…“the devil(‘s food cake) made me do it”.  Second, if you’ve ever fallen victim to an ill wind, you’ll understand I can’t face that blow-hard for, last winter, I caught the flu as quickly as time flies!*)

As for my neighbors’ leaves, I figure that—

having been swept up in a turf-guy tug of war

a truce had them settling on middle ground (AKA, my property)

And, for my (center) part, ‘truth is—me failing to rake my lawn is a combo of laziness, weariness…and, priority-setting…

I often accomplish the bigger things by letting the little things slide.

Case in Point:

Swamped by an avalanche of case/work notes, I was telling my colleague/friend that,

because I’m a writer at heart,

recording other people’s challenges can be akin to eating cake by power-lifting a 50 pound spoon to your mouth…

It’s like a clothing designer having to create uniforms for an oppressive regime…

It takes all the good feeling out of the task!

And, just to be clear—I’m not saying that my workplace/organization is oppressive—

I’m speaking to the societal ills that maintain an unequal distribution of privilege…

Privilege (and, lack thereof) that directly impacts the mental health, and soul-nourishing opportunities of those I support in my counseling role…

So, I’m here to remind myself that I need to focus on turning my personal (head) space into an (emotional) conservation area….

And, given my determination to be my authentic self,

I’m following my—

“When a problem comes along, you must snippet”—

Devo/comic relief frame-of-reference.

And, speaking of witch

In the continued spirit of Halloween, here’s the skinny on some of the lighten-my-heart snippets that occurred to me this week…

(*Admittedly unsophisticated, they’re a bit of a (taffy apple) stretch…but, they cancelled out many a grave thought this week 🙂 *):

—Sang the skeleton crew of Cheap Trick roadies, “I want you to gaunt me. I (knock) kneed you to need me. I’d love you to lug me. I’m beggin’ you peg-leg me…”

—Dracula’s admission…”I gaunt to suck your blood….”

—I know I said not to let me near the Halloween candy, but, “don’t you haunt me, baby—don’t you haunt me, woe-oe-oe..”.

Speaking of Cheap Trick(s),

These puns also played a (I’m on an early morning/jot these down before you forget them) roll in my recovery

—“Feelin’ all alone without friends, ya’ know you feel like dryin’ (out).”

(*One of my greatest motivators for quitting drinking eons ago.*)”

—He started swinging wildly for the fences, in the hopes customers wouldn’t picket his pawn shop.

—Do you know any British slang?  “Does, ‘U ‘kay?’ count?”

—Not always one to be Poe-like…I rudely dismissed the inaccuracy of my raven/Edgar Allen Poe pun.

(*This one goes way back to my, Vel-there-crows-the-neighborhood, (Velcro) pun.  Strictly speaking, crows and ravens are different, but, as I said….today’s theme includes the– falling-short– perils of shortcuts 🙂 )

However, in the spirit of indominable…spirits…

As ever,

saving graces ensure that times/tables will always turn

(*Thankfully, not for the hearse-t*).

When least expected, we can “receive beauty for ashes”, and find our blessings multiplied.

Such was the case when I read the comment fellow optimist, Dr. Jonathan, left on my last post…

His generosity of spirit tore a grateful and relieved sob from my soul as he put any of my self-doubts to bed (side manner).

I had the same weirdly-wonderful reaction to Adam’s comment.  He’s one of the most charming, amusing and sensitive “weirdos” you could ever hope to encounter. 🙂

(I’ve included Dr. Jonathan and Adam’s blog links at the end…you’d do so well to connect with them!)

And, Amazers, you, too, spur me on as I share challenges related to being my best self—

Which includes searching for—and finding—protective and healthy emotional boundaries…

And these give me the peace of mind that comes from taking ownership of my own leaves (issues), and not the issues (leavings) of others that happen to blow onto my lawn.

As one of my favourite sayings goes, “Not my circus, not my monkeys.”

Given this knowing and support, we are encouraged to increasingly liberate ourselves from the (“Shallow) Hal”-oween mask(ing tape) that holds us hostage to unhelpful depictions of ourselves….

That false us that sticks to us like glue–

and lies to us about who we are…and, about what/how much we are supposed to give…and be saddled with.

The grate news is, Dazzlers–

having written out the storm,  I’m as giddy as a fast-food employee who saved the day by announcing, “This grill is on fire!”…

Thereby causing her boss to announce, “This dynamo is now employee of the month and deserves a promotion…”

“This Girl Is on Fryer”!

As ever, Delightfuls…thank you for being the caring souls that you are…

God bless you and your loves 🙂



P.S. Dr. Jonathan’s link is


and Adam’s is


If you’d like to read my prior post, the link is


P.P.S. “This Girl Is On Fire” is amazing Alicia Keys’ ( 2012) hit/celebration of the triumph of the human spirit; “Hotel California” is The Eagles’ massive (1977) hit, and my favorite line is “…you can check out any time you like but you can never leave“; “Ghost” is a (1990) Patrick Swayze/Demi Moore movie/gem; Flip (my lid) Wilson is an oldschool reference to fantastic comedian, the late Flip Wilson’s (1970-1974) variety show and his iconic line, “The devil made me do it“; Devo has a catchy (1980  ) hit with “Whip It (Good”) and a lyric is, “When a problem comes along, you must whip it…”–and that’s what I do–when a problem comes along, I must snippet (my pun for jotting down a thought)Cheap Trick had a (1979) hit with “I Want You To Want Me“, and gaunt means extremely thin….song lyrics include, “I want you to want me, I need you to need me, I’d love you to love me, I’m begging you to beg me…”,–allowing for me to replace “want” with gaunt and also paves the way for  my–“here’s the skinny” pun; and “Feeelin’ all alone without friends, you know you feel like dyin’… ” is also a Cheap Trick lyric from the same song; Don’t You Want Me, (Baby,) is a (1981) sung by 80’s greaties, The Human League“, and beleaguered can be defined as “saddled with problems”; Swinging wildly for the fences” is an expression meaning–no matter how remote the odds, you give it all you’ve got (which ties to my theme of never giving up on my dreams)–and, fences can be defined as people who knowingly sell stolen goods to pawn shop owners…I used picket as a pun tied to (picket) fences….and in the context of protesting/boycotting a pawnshop; “Shallow Hal” is a (2001) delightful and hilarious movie starring Jack Black and Gwyneth Paltrow–it’s about learning to see the true beauty of people’s souls, rather than focusing on skin-deep (surface/superficial) attractiveness .

As always, while the songs and movies (and the approximate year they came out) occur to me spontaneously, I have Wikipedia to thank for giving me the exact dates.


20 thoughts on “(October 29/17) “This Girl Is On Fryer”

  1. I was just thinking of you & was about to leave another comment on your previous/pun-devious post to check in and guess what pops up on my feed within minutes of said thought…spooky!
    Once again, your words resonate…I had a sticky week of my own and realize, there is still work to be done on fragile borders that are showing their wear! The words, “let it go” are a soothing mantra as well as the beauty in knowing that I’m a work in progress! Thank you for sharing leaves and all, Truly!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. And, there she is…one of my absolutely favorite writers….and people 🙂 We are linked, aren’t we…thank you for always reminding me of our soul connection…it’s so lovely to think you were thinking of me. Sometimes I feel bad for extended absences (I’d love to post once a week, as I originally intended), but, when I’m not in the position to sit down and write all in one fell swoop (after a series of realizations have collected and given me much to work with), I am busy managing life and sorting through what’s going on in my head and heart at any given time. However, please feel free to put a comment on an existing post, and I will “visit” you between my postings. A prompt from you would be so welcome….lastly, there’s always work to be done, isn’t there….bitter, then sweet if we work at looking for the purpose in the pain…but, at times/in the moment, what a pain in the…. 🙂 Thank you for being my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m wishing you a wonderful week as well…I’m feeling optimistic about this work week…I’ve already started collecting bits for my next post, and if I manage to post on the weekend, that will feel like a triumph 🙂 You are wonderful and appreciated…thanks for brightening my day 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Fabulous post as always, Truly. I loved your Halloween theme – youve “squashed” every pun imaginable there.
    Have a wonderful day and know that I always enjoy seeing your pun wizardry at work.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I always like how you play with words…I too love the Halloween theme 🙂
    Add this mantra to your list: ‘It is what it is’…helps me a lot 😉
    Wishing you a fantastic weekend, sending you a big hug again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your time and encouragement…and, thank you for sharing your favored mantra…it means a lot that you would think to share something in hopes of helping me…and, it certainly is a helpful reminder. This weekend has been quiet and restorative…I hope your has been just what you need 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Truly,
        My pleasure! Well, I am a bad house-wife, as in; I am good at it, but I don’t like it. However, as soon as I can’t see through the windows anymore, without looking through various spider-webs and dirt…even this woman knows, it is time to clean, hahaha
        So, cleaned two windows, the bathroom, been busy in the garden…
        And now I think…if I don’t wait that long, it would go quicker.
        A well.. it is what it is 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks for the smile…and for “normalizing” my chore selection 🙂 And, isn’t that always the way–having tackled things, telling ourselves that all we have to do is attend to the small things before they pile up. Congratulations on setting and achieving your goals, today 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. How did I miss this one?… this would have made my halloween
    (what a treat! umm… that is the best I can do with puns..).
    This was a very fun post to read…

    Honestly you make feel like a rock star… How can one not feel joy (and blush) with such a wonderful compliment… <>… I am going to have to work extra hard to keep my ego in check!

    I want to frame that on a wall… add it to my resume… have it tattooed somewhere on my body… etc.

    (I am being 100% sincere… just incase people are adding sarcastic tones to my words)

    Thanks Truly… looking forward to your next post!

    Liked by 1 person

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