(April17/17) Bound To Set Boundaries, I’m Taking A Leap Of Faith…

Hello, Wonderfuls 🙂  This morning I intended to listen to the radio while I read “Soul Shifts” (my latest, first-30-minutes-of-my-day, read)…however, three pages in, I gave up in favour of getting lost in melodies, lyrics, and rhythms…

Three hours have passed and I’m still listening to an engaging mix of current and classic songs….oh,  music, there’s nothing like you!

For about an hour of that time, I was also privileged to share my coalescing (forming/connecting) thoughts with a trusted listener…someone who has long allowed me room to launch into one of my one-sided conversations— one of the tried-and-true means by which I’m able to move forward…

Then, my dear friend, Gary, (unaware that I had sent him some messages) messaged me to say he was concerned by my “silence”–and was checking to make sure I’m not sad. He is especially compassionate (as with me, a hard-won trait); and his earnestness touched and inspired me to take the time to write and share what follows:

But, first, here’s where you find Gary–a beyond gifted and brilliant writer destined to take the world by storm–he is a light that shines sooooo brightly 🙂


As for me…driven to move ever closer to my higher self,  I’ve spent this gratifying long-weekend working on an ongoing theme….patience and quelling my sense of urgency…

I’ve been taking quiet time for me.

I’m at the stage of growth where the giddiness of all the possibilities sometimes gives way to the struggle inherent in the reality that—as do we—life’s possibilities include so much more than I ever could have imagined….

and having unabashedly embraced that glorious knowing, it’s made the journey one where I find myself moving anywhere between dizzying Disney heights and soul-draining views of the bleak things my blissful-ignorance had mitigated.

This may sound confusing until I add that fuller-awareness is a two-sided coin…

Increasingly, there are hard truths that are no longer glimpsed peripherally…

Consequently, as I face them head on–given that there’s no path to freedom without taking the “feels-sooooo-amazing” with the “this-sucks-big-time!”–

I remind myself that I can choose to be spurred on in service of my joyful spirit, rather than my fear of being beaten by the waves of push-back that we all face in some form or another…

By that, I’m referring to any number of features of the human condition that maintain the status quo…perpetuating (socially-constructed) roadblocks that steer us away  from our awesomeness…away from a world-bettering greatness that—even as it leads us to the light—leads others to the light…

This brings me full-circle to the patience/urgency balance I spoke of when I began this sharing…

Given that I’ve come this far, sometimes I need to work really hard at protecting my light…

I need to ensure that it stays bright enough to light the path that isn’t always clear…not even close, I increasingly find out.

So, this long weekend, I determined to keep a low profile by working on my novel-in-progress…basking in creativity and larger-than-life splendor (I saw “Beauty and the Beast” on Saturday–don’t get me started on how fantastic it is!!!)….listening to music…and quietly absorbing the gifts inherent in the wisdom of those who have successfully navigated their own paths…It’s been a great weekend 🙂

However, as I familiarize myself with oxygen-for-me-first boundaries (a practice that, in many ways, is outside my comfort zone), I sent Gary private messages (a no-brainer)…

And, you’ve also been there for me, Amazers…so, in the event that you need something of what I’ve shared today…

or, even to know that I am still here (and going nowhere for long)…

I count this effort as a privilege and time well spent.  Thank you for your support, loyalty and patience 🙂

God bless you and your loves 🙂



P.S. Update:

Saturday was such a glorious spring day…endless blue skies and radiant sun.  I felt on top of the world.

Sunday, a bit less so, but still springlike (a bit cloudy with hints of dull).

Monday (yesterday–the day I published this post), it was completely overcast and grey…and a bit foggy.

Today, I woke up to snow.

Nature serves as a metaphor for growth…nature is always nature, but it is given to different types of weather…”moods” if you will.  How one feels about a particular type of weather dictates how one perceives nature…

I am working on embracing all of my “nature”…opening up to the recognition that all that I experience has value/something to teach me.

29 thoughts on “(April17/17) Bound To Set Boundaries, I’m Taking A Leap Of Faith…

    1. Thanks for connecting, my friend…yes, the sunshine makes all the difference, I find….and, I am wishing you a joyful day as well…the novel is a ways off (a third of the way through, but I’m building momentum and plan on adding to it much more regularly). Once the work-week kicks in, my reserves tend to be depleted..but, I’m gonna come up with a plan 🙂 I’m on my way to “see” you… 🙂


      1. Doesn’t matter how long it takes. My goodness, took me like 20 years to get a bachelors degree and at least three for my masters. Slow and steady wins the race. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Wow, from how you have positioned yourself while listening music until your friend Gary asked if you’re okay, then it suddenly turned to a life’s realization. It was so deep, I can truly feel how you came up with this article, written with so much heart. I can’t wait to hearing your novel very soon. I won’t be surprised if I get to read your novel book next time.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. We learn about life by exploring the texture and depth of space that composes our private inner world truly. Intuition goes before you, showing you the way. Emotion follows behind, to let you know when you go astray. And I will take this opportunity to let you know that you will have me by your side. I will not pass judgment, but I will challenge your every distorted thought with a heavy dose of reality of how awesome you truly are. I will constantly remind you of the many ways you are a majestic beast, a glorious human being who deserves to be celebrated in all the ways possible. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. You, my friend, are so gloriously supportive that you leave me at a loss for words….I don’t know what I ever did to inspire such positive regard, but I humbly embrace it….thank you, thank you, thankyou, Neal 🙂

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  3. Good grief Truly; for several reasons…first being I have taken a yen to chilling in music. I use it in a meditative way if my mind is shouting from many directions. Of course one must be disciplined or time flies past unheeded and then I get annoyed at myself for not doing what I was supposed to before the internal cacophony started up! Not so bad if it’s during writing though; it usually means the characters are speaking. If they go quiet it either means impending block and time for a respite or the antagonist just moved in!

    I never realised my message would have such a profound effect either… you should know by now I have you on a calendar and if time slips I will give you a prod to see if all’s well. Its that friend thing yes? It’s what one does so know you are being watched most carefully on that front 🙂

    I must also thank you for your continued accolades upon my meagre word craft. It is something that I am troubled with that cognitive dissonance thing you mentioned a few posts ago. Also my blog is haunting me at present as the bits I want to showcase are buried under everything else. So I will, no doubt, shortly break my blog implementing an improved theme and presentation!!

    I am really pleased you are working on your novel too. For a writer that is a serious undertaking and commitment. Never underestimate the achievement of completing one whatever happens thereafter…publish or not…it is still a huge journey. Now I shall be requiring word counts and target setting 🙂 (or is that me…requiring those for me…might have got that mixed up!!)

    Like the roadblocks metaphor too; although how many are real compared to the ones our own minds throw up to avoid doing what must be done? One step at a time and if ever you get fed up then shout out x

    Speaking of shout outs; Thank you so much for that too. Lovely post and positive breeds positive…with your job I do not need to say that yes 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you for sharing thoughts from your soul…Lord be with the overthinking intropectors…haha….I love that we think of things on so many levels, and sticking together greatly increases the chances that we’ll always be understood 🙂

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      1. I have a tendency to do that when commenting!!! As per your last post which had sentences made up just from Jethro Tull song titles!!!! No idea if it made sense at all ! I think we sit on the same page in many ways Truly…might be why I can rumble on here without any trouble at all 🙂


  4. So glad to read your words here again, my thoughts were with you as the weekend came and went, taking some much needed alone time is a wonderful gift to give oneself and it sounds like you had a lovely time (and I’m so excited to read that you are working on your novel, congratulations!)! You are an inspiration, I have an outline and a character floating around in my head and I think it’s time to kick away the obstacles and get to it…take care, my friend and thank you for sharing your heart once again!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I love the way you write, Truly. Your language is poetic and so descriptive – it’s like I’m holding hands with you on your journey.
    I completely understand about hibernating and percolating ideas in solitude. I know you’re going to come up with something special. In the meantime, I hope you are enjoying life. Beauty and the Beast is a lovely movie to experience – have fun! Thinking of you.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love this! Even if sometimes we are as changeable as the weather, it serves to remind us that there is something much bigger out there.
    Your ME Time, sounds totally beneficial and exactly what you needed, with a little friendly interaction thrown in the mix. The ideal weekend I think.

    Here’s to another….

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Was it a leap of fate that brought me to your blog today? 🙂 I loved this Truly, because as you know I’m a big fan of the days when you choose to write in pun-free language.:)) Seriously though, I too have been doing some of those: ‘….patience and quelling my sense of urgency…’ periods which I do find a bit of a challenge because I’m prone to doing the exact opposite. But I find it is absolutely essential for one’s well-being.
    I love the ‘…oxygen-for-me-first boundaries …’ analogy – which as I have a fear of flying, sounds delightful when sitting up in bed blogging as opposed to actually being on an aircraft. And last but not least I loved the weather forecast or should that be ‘weather postcast’ as I’m reading them after the event and the way you tied them neatly into the way we look at life. Lately, I’ve been trying to appreciate the weather in all it’s glory – whether it is sunshine one day or torrential rain the next – I think if you feel happy/content inside, then external things should be just what they are and regardless of what is going on, your sense of well-being ought not to be affected. Actually I’m not sure if I believe that fully, but I’d like to think that makes sense.
    Love, Marie 🙂
    ps. sorry about the length of this comment – I got a bit carried away …

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No need to apologize…your words are so appreciated and precious–as are you. I’m glad you can relate…it’s so encouraging to know we are not alone in our challenges. Thank you for connecting 🙂

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