(Feb 6/16) Wading in…a meandering stream of consciousness…

I’m Truly, in love with reading/writing…whimsical metaphors…sugar-sprinkled truths…and sharing that which enhances our growth….my day job is that of a social worker 🙂

I’ll keep this brief. First and foremost, I love God: He is deserving of all credit.

Second, although I know that life is the ultimate gift, I am acutely aware of how complicated, painful, and lonely living can be.  I remember what it’s like to wish you’d been born someone else, somewhere else—and, absent that option, trying to convincingly masquerade as someone who’s so much more…who’s so much different than…

Well, my point is meant to be relatable, and different means something different to everyone, so, it’s the striving to be ‘so-much-more’ part that’s important…it’s what inclusively illustrates the phenomenon whereby we try on of any number of ill-fitting masks/personas.

Mercifully, having come this far, I have a saving-grace/counter-perspective to offer–and, respectfully, it’s yours to consider or not…certainly not meant to, in any way, invalidate anything you’ve gone (or will go) through.

Insecurity loses its debilitating power when we are able to grasp, and hold on to the realization that—however improbable it may seem—we are ridiculously loveable, and gifted, and meant to enjoy a glorious life!  We also need not fear how fiercely we can love, need—and mistrust—others.  And, it gets even better!  The saying, “It is never too late to become what you might have been”, applies to us, to you and I.

We may have taken some wrong turns, but we were never meant to grow weary and afraid and small, my friend…we were always meant to shine, to grow ever-upward.  Otherwise, the assurance that we’re meant to reach for the stars would be an elusive dream, a cruel hoax; and, contrary to what some might believe, God doesn’t have a malicious sense of humour.

And here’s another truth.  The surest way to outgrow that which impedes growth is to help, and accept help from, those who come across our paths….something we are born to do in the first place!

Now here’s the kicker (and a gardening/green thumb metaphor).  My depth of awareness includes the too-close-for-comfort knowing that, when trying to keep a grip on this (growing) reality, I can become all thumbs…morphing from vibrant green to its palest hues quicker than you can say ‘timber!’  And, there’s more to boot.  Something deep-seeded and insistent tells me it’s my (reluctant) willingness to bare/bear these butter-finger fragments (the clumsy cousins of ah-ha moments) that will help me be—and give of—my best.

So, while there are facets of being me that don’t feel exclusively like a dream come true, I remain the incessant dreamer I’ve always been.  The difference is, tired of things that go bump in the (day and) night, I’ve named my fear.  Miss Craisy has taken a back seat and no longer has license to drive me around the bend…and, this has reduced the hazardous speeds at which I travel down blind alleys and obvious dead ends.

I thank God that, today, it is my capacity for deep love, thought, imagination, and connection that propels me.  And, I’m sure it comes as no surprise that our lonely world is in desperate need of dreamers willing to blaze the intersecting trails meant to ensure that no one has to travel alone for very long.

So—for what it’s worth—here goes a good deal more than nothing… (at least, that’s what I believe on a good day).

P.S. And if you’re thinking that, contrary to my introductory declaration, this wasn’t a brief intro….you have much to learn about me.  🙂




13 thoughts on “(Feb 6/16) Wading in…a meandering stream of consciousness…

    1. Thank you, Tonya…two surprises in one day…twice as much as I expected…that’s the beauty of each new day…we never know what is around the corner. You warmed my heart with your comment–“simply lovely” is such a lovely thing to say 🙂


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